Case Studies

Here we provide a collection of short case-studies that demonstrate the effectiveness of PROMPT and the resulted time saving using PROMPT's broad capability profile. All tutorials are real-world examples from our daily research. The examples start with a short starting situation, propose open question(s) and provide extensive step-by-step instructions required to repeat each analysis. For the reader's convenience, all data files are provided as downloads. The examples build on each other . It is therefore recommended to go through the cases sequentially.

Comparison Case studies: Comparison focus: Script Play movie
Comparison of isoelectric point distributions Numeric comparison
Comparison of isoelectric point distributions
Hydrophobicity vs. protein length Numeric correlation
Hydrophobicity vs. protein length
Protein abundance analysis in yeast External data
Protein abundance analysis in yeast
Fold enrichment in GroEL substrates Categorical comparison
Fold enrichment in GroEL substrates
Thermophilic vs. mesophilic organism Large-scale comparison
Fold enrichment in GroEL substrates

Mapping Case studies: Mapping focus: Script Play movie
Fast-Mapping against a large remote database like UniProt-Trembl
Potentially up to 50 times faster than BLAST against large databases.
__ [Performance evaluation]
Map two sequence sets using BLAST or FASTA34 SEQs versus SEQs using BLAST or FASTA34
Map Sequences
Map a list of GenBank identifiers with a list of Swiss-Prot accessions IDs versus IDs using BLAST or FASTA34
Map GenBank Ids to SwissProt Accessions

Abbreviations: SEQs sequences, IDs identifiers, PROMPT-FM Prompt's Fast-Mapping algorithm.

Advanced Case studies:

Manual testing for statistical significance


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